
"LOOP" Organisationsberatung GmbH - Dr. Siegfried Kaltenecker - Veronikagasse 25 - 1160 Vienna „LOOP“ Organisationsberatung GmbH is registered in the commercial register under the number FN 258 939v and registered for tax purposes under the UID No. ATU61448927. The registered office is located at Veronikagasse 25 in1160 Vienna.

Find our general terms and conditions here.

The consulting office is located at Veronikagasse 25, top floor, door 32 in 1160 Vienna (near U6 Josefstädterstrasse).

The managing partners Sabine Eybl and Dr. Siegfried Kaltenecker are responsible for the content of this website.

Stella Kaltenecker acts as assistant to the management

Liability notice: Despite careful control of the content, we assume no liability for the content of external links. The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content.

Design & Graphics: Kinga Klimek
Realization: Agentur-VIDA